Teaching and Courses
Assistant Lecturer (ITU)
Assistant Lecturer (ITU)
2007: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (Java class, OPI)
2006: Interactive web applications and services with Java and XML (E2006)
Graduate Teaching Fellow (Yale)
Graduate Teaching Fellow (Yale)
Fall 2004: Compilers & Interpreters (CPSC 521/421), Instructor: Carsten Schürmann
Spring 2004: Intro to Computer Science (CPSC 201), Instructor: Carsten Schürmann
Spring 2003: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CPSC 365), Instructor: James Aspnes
Fall 2002: Mathematical Tools for Computer Science (CPSC 202), Instructor: Michael Fischer
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (Stony Brook)
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (Stony Brook)
Spring 1999: Computer Science II (Data Structures, CSE 214), Instructor: Shaunak Pawagi
Fall 1998: Foundations of Computer Science II (Discrete Mathematics, CSE 213), Instructor: Anita Wasilewska
Conferences/PhD Schools Attended:
Conferences/PhD Schools Attended:
* Course was not taken for Credit (Audit)